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Signing (2022)

Since Marcel Duchamp, we have relied on signatures to separate the original from the copy. Today, signatures extend into cyberspace. In an age when any number of reproductions are possible, is there anything that can be called an original? The dilution of the signature. Loss of self. Multiplicity. In this expanded world, The actuality of the sign is only material.

This artwork has only one, at least in physicality. The analog signature "R. MUTT 1917" scraped off the front and a series of numbers in the background. The number "522E4D5554542031393137" is the hexadecimal notation of "R.MUTT 1917" and is based on the fact that hexadecimal hash values are used for digital signatures on blockchains. The act of spreading illegible symbols in public spaces has its roots in the culture of graffiti, recalling the actions of writers expressing themselves on the walls and subways of New York City in the 1980s.

It is always the teenagers who show their own style with their creative compositions and designs. Nowadays, American web3/native kids think it is cool to be bankless (without a bank account). This energy, which is spreading autonomously, decentralized, and without being forced by anyone, has encouraged my own creation.


本作は、少なくともフィジカルには1点しか存在しない。前面に削られたアナログなサイン「R.MUTT 1917」とその背景にある数字の羅列。この数字「522E4D5554542031393137」は「R.MUTT 1917」の16進数表記で、ブロックチェーン上のデジタル署名に16進数のハッシュ値が使われることを基にしている。判読不可能な記号をパブリックスペースに拡散する行為は、グラフィティの文化にも通底しており、80年代にライターが、NYの壁や地下鉄に表現した行為を思い起こさせる。



Wood & Acrylic on canvas652 × 652 × 30 mm × 2

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